I am a lover of the alive line - pencil, pen, brush and word -
of expression, connection and communication in all its forms.

It all began with the alphabet. My fascination with letters led me to calligraphy, book making, big brush gestures and collaborative performance art.

Illustrated journaling and visual blogging have also offered fresh and immediate ways to engage.

I invite you to explore the lines of connection offered here.

May they awaken the aliveness within us all.


Upcoming Workshops

Compassionate Brush : Calligraphy & Communication Practice

Saturday, March 15th , 2025
2:00 - 5:00 pm

Making a mark, with brush and ink, brings vision down to earth, through the body, onto the page. The practice of Nonviolent Communication is also a grounding act. How we speak can come from our embodied awareness and create connection with ourselves and others. Working with large horsehair brushes and buckets of ink, we will explore this interweaving of silence and form, space and body, aloneness and connection through brush stroke and dialogue. 

at The Kiva, MaMA, Marbletown Multi Arts
3588 Main St. Stone Ridge NY

Hosted by the Holistic Health Community

For more information and to register

AWAKE MIND : Write / Draw / Contemplate
with Victress Hitchcock & Barbara Bash

Where do our stories come from How do we bring them to life in words and images ?

A Day Long Virtual Retreat
Hosted by Sky Lake Meditation Center
Saturday, May 3 10 AM - 6 PM ET

Spend a day with writer Victress Hitchcock and artist Barbara Bash exploring the world of memory, through contemplation, words, and images. Come play in the virtual space of non-conceptual creativity !

For more information

The Voice of the Brush
Line / Stroke / Word

May 16-18 , 2025

Come explore the range of expression of the Chinese brush. 

Beginning with the grounding straight line practice (ichi), a seated experience of Tai Chi Chuan, we will move to big strokes, big brushes and buckets of ink, held and guided by the principles of heaven, earth and human. In the end our unique handwriting will carry the distilled voice of haiku, opening and revealing the moment. No previous art experience needed. Only the willingness to take a leap. 

Karme Choling Meditation Center
Barnet, Vermont

For more information and to register

Ongoing Monthly Events

Circle Practice:
Strengthening the Heart

See No Enemy / Hear What Matters:
The Practice of Nonviolent Communication

The Flow Game:
A Way to Find Clarity Together

For more details go to Workshops

Barbara Bash is now offering her services as a mediator
working with individuals, families, schools & teams on zoom and in person.

For more details go to Mediation | NVC

Art Available

Giclée prints of original art available for sale

Go to Expressive Writing and Children’s Books in the Gallery section to see Giclée and Original Art for sale.

Visit True Nature : A Visual Blog

I traveled back to this intensely alive place last month. It was my fourth time visiting Guinea in twenty years. We danced, made music, did batik dyeing, and connected with each other and this complex world of family, musicians and dance teachers. I also opened the sketchbook and looked out . . .

I have been writing these for the past year, often just after waking.
It has become a way to tune in to the world - and myself. 
The 5 - 7 - 5 syllable constraint has been satisfying to play within.
Then I began to add a brushstroke. 


I write and illustrate for children because I trust the process of gathering these stories, in all their complexity, and then distilling them down to what is essential. That's what children see.


Go to Videos

Over the years I have collaborated with musicians, dancers and storytellers in performance. I am the visual voice, responding to the moment. leaving mysterious tracks behind.